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Last Update - January 14, 2025

Wednesday Night Bible Study Cancelled for January 15th
Wednesday night Bible Study is cancelled for January 15th at Bride of Christ Fellowship. Even though the parking lot looks pretty good, many of those who attend Wednesday nights live in rural areas with slick driveways and roads.

Temperatures should improve by the weekend, and we should be able to get the church schedule back on track by Sunday.



Children's Wednesday Bible Study Cancelled During January
There will not be any Wednesday night classes for the kids during January. Any of the youth who come will remain in the sanctuary for the adult Bible Study, which is currently covering the book of Acts.



Baptism Planned for January
A baptism is planned for January 2025. If you are interested in being baptized please get ahold of Pastor Greg Isom and let him know.



Winter Jam is in February!
Winter Jam for the youth is in February, 2025. Sign-up will be in January.



Children's Church
On the first Sunday of each month the children will remain in the sanctuary during the Sunday Morning Service.

On the remaining Sundays the children will be dismissed to Children's Church at "Hug & Howdy" time, which is right after Communion.



Studying the Gospel of John on Sunday Mornings
We are doing an in depth study of the Gospel of John on Sunday mornings.

John's gospel is written intimatley from the perspective of one who considered himself to be Jesus' best friend as you could argue no one knew Him better. He lived a long life following Jesus from perhaps his teens into his 90s. It was a long life, but sometime difficult one often being persecuted for his faith. He was exiled to the island of Patmos later in his life where he was given wonderful visions of heaven and future events which he wrote about in the Book of Revelations. He is the only apostle to die of natural causes. His Gospel differs from the other three in that rather than telling a story in order, he hand picks events to prove a certain point. The point he emphasizes is that Jesus is the Son of God. His close relationship with Jesus empowers his words to have extra special meaning as an insider rather than one observing from the outside. He actually states the purpose for writing this account near the end in chapter 20.

"And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name."
John 20:30-31.



Finished Our Study of II Corinthians Sunday Evening
We just finished studying II Corinthians on December 8th during the Sunday Evening Service. Pastor Greg has decided that we will delve into the Book of Revelation at the beginning of 2025.

This is a wonderful time of digging into God's Word. Also, we are usually blessed with a couple of Bluegrass gospel songs from Dick and Rita on Sunday evenings. Come join us!



Adult Bible Study on Wednesday Evenings
We are currently studying the Book of Acts on Wednesday Evenings. This is an informal time of Bible Study with plenty of opportunity for questions and comments.



Bride of Christ Ladies Facebook Page
Ladies of the Bride of Christ Fellowship, you can stay connected on Facebook on the
Bride of Christ Fellowship Ladies Facebook page.



Guidelines for Church Service Cancellations
Church Service cancellations due to extreme weather conditions or other unexpected reasons will be passed along on the prayer chain.

In addition, we will attempt to get them posted to this web page and the Bride of Christ Ladies Facebook page.



Church Offerings
For those of you asking where to send your church offerings when not attending in-church services, you can still mail them to:

Bride of Christ Fellowship
c/o Grace R. Pemberton
1988 State Road 37
Mitchell, IN 47446

For security reasons, PLEASE do NOT send cash.

December 29, 2024

Occupy Until I Come
Luke 19:12-27
Sunday Morning
Pastor Greg Isom

"If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor."
John 12:26

In summary today as we enter into 2025, get busy about our Father's business. Revival comes from the inside out; commit to follow Jesus closer than you did last year. Pray over every decision you make and discern if that decision gives you a greater opportunity to serve (increase the kingdom) or lowers your ability to do so. Does this choice draw you closer to God or pull you away from Him? Step one is to be sure the path you are on is leading you to where you want to go; closer to Jesus. If not choose wisely and make the needed changes to become confident you are indeed putting Him first.

Step two, is to look around you first within the walls of your home and family and see who you can begin to minister to. Then look in your community at where you can be a part of a positive change and get involved. If you take that first move, God will guide you from there and bless your efforts. To "occupy" means to get out there and try to be part of fixing the things we see wrong in the world. Be the servant who multiplies what the Lord gives you by 10 fold, not the one who just simply holds on to what you have.

If you don't know where to start, pray about it; asking God to open a door for you. Start here within our Fellowship and ask, "where can I use my gift/abilities to make my church family better?" Where can I help out? If you are seeking, God will lead you to the work He has prepared for you. Let's let 2025 become a year where we grow mightily in the Lord personally and as a church and "occupy" well! Let the words of our Lord be our motivation; "well done good servant."

"You are the salt of the earth (14)" You are the light of the world"
Matthew 5:13-14

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His Servant John

Sunday Evening
Bro. Sam Pemberton

Jesus Calls the First Disciples - Matthew 4:18-22

The Transfiguration - Matthew 17:1-9

The Resurrection - John 20:1-10

The Great Commission -
Matthew 28:16-20

The "beloved disciple," was brother to James the Great. The churches of Smyrna, Pergamos, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, and Thyatira, were founded by him. From Ephesus he was ordered to be sent to Rome, where it is affirmed he was cast into a cauldron of boiling oil. He escaped by miracle, without injury. Domitian afterwards banished him to the Isle of Patmos, where he wrote the Book of Revelation. Nerva, the successor of Domitian, recalled him. He was the only apostle who escaped a violent death.

James the Great 
The next martyr we meet with (after Stephen), according to St. Luke, in the History of the Apostles' Acts, was James the son of Zebedee, the elder brother of John, and a relative of our Lord; for his mother Salome was cousin-german (first/full cousin) to the Virgin Mary. These events took place A.D. 44. 

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John,"
Revelation 1:1 

Listen To Sermon


Worship Services

Sunday Morning Worship:
10:00 a.m.
Children's Church:
~during the
Morning Worship Service~
Sunday Evening Service:
~6:00 p.m.~
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study:
~6:00 p.m.~
Wednesday Night Youth
Bible Study:
~6:00 p.m.~