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Fatherhood: A Call To Strength, Kindness, And Legacy

June 18, 2023
Morning Service


Good morning, today, we gather to honor and celebrate the fathers among us. Being a father is more than being a male parent; it is an extraordinary calling that requires strength, kindness, and the ability to leave a lasting legacy. In a world that often portrays fatherhood as solely about authority or provision, let us explore what it truly takes to be a father in the eyes of God. Today, we will dig into the challenges fathers face in showing strength while being kind, raising daughters and sons to be strong and independent, and the impact fathers have on their children's lives.

I. Being More than a Male Parent: Fatherhood in the Bible

A. Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:4 (NIV)

Fatherhood goes beyond biological ties; it is a role that encompasses guidance, nurture, and spiritual leadership.

Abraham, known as the father of faith, exemplifies fatherhood through his unwavering trust and obedience to God (Genesis 12:1-3).

Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, accepted the responsibility of raising and protecting the Son of God, showcasing love, sacrifice, and steadfastness (Matthew 1:18-25).

These examples show that fathers are called to be more than mere providers; they are to be spiritual guides, mentors, and role models for their children.

II. Balancing Strength and Kindness: Lessons from the Bible

A. Scripture Reading: Proverbs 15:1 (NIV)

As fathers, it can be challenging to show strength while maintaining kindness and compassion.

Jesus, in His interactions with various individuals, demonstrates the delicate balance of strength and kindness.

When Jesus encountered the woman caught in adultery, He exhibited strength by confronting the situation, yet showed kindness by extending forgiveness and encouraging her to sin no more (John 8:1-11).

In the story of the prodigal son, the father exemplifies both strength and kindness by setting boundaries and offering forgiveness to his wayward child (Luke 15:11-32).

We are called to follow this example by being firm in our convictions, yet gracious in our dealings with others, especially our children.

III. Raising Daughters to Be Strong and Independent

A. Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Fathers play a crucial role in raising daughters to be strong and independent individuals.

The story of Deborah, a judge and prophetess, highlights the impact of strong female role models in Scripture (Judges 4-5).

Fathers can empower their daughters by instilling confidence, encouraging education and personal growth, and teaching them to value their God-given abilities.

By providing guidance, support, and fostering a safe environment, fathers help equip their daughters to protect themselves and make wise decisions.

IV. Leaving a Lasting Legacy: The Father's Impact

A. Scripture Reading: Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

Fathers, your image and influence shape the foundation of your children's understanding of fatherhood.

Just as Timothy's faith was influenced by his mother and grandmother (2 Timothy 1:5), children look to their fathers as a template for what it means to be a dad.

Fathers set an example of love, respect, integrity, and compassion that children will seek in their future partners or, conversely, strive to avoid if their father's example falls short.

Through our actions, words, and character, we create a legacy that will impact generations to come.


Today, we have explored the noble calling of fatherhood, recognizing that it requires more than mere biological connection. It demands strength, kindness, and a commitment to leaving a positive and lasting legacy. As fathers, you face challenges, but you are not alone. God, our Heavenly Father, walks alongside you, offering His wisdom, strength, and grace. May you draw strength from His example and find encouragement in the knowledge that your role as a father is invaluable. Embrace your calling with courage, love unconditionally, and leave a legacy that will shape the lives of your children and generations to come. Let us pray for all fathers, asking God to bless and empower them in their sacred journey of fatherhood.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You today with hearts filled with gratitude for the fathers in our lives. We thank You for the gift of fatherhood and for the fathers who have selflessly dedicated themselves to their families. We lift them up to You, seeking Your guidance, strength, and blessings upon them.Father, we pray for fathers everywhere. Grant them wisdom and discernment as they make decisions that impact their families. May they lead with integrity and compassion, reflecting Your love in their words and actions. Give them the strength to be a source of stability and support, even in the face of challenges and difficulties.Lord, we ask for Your grace to flow through fathers, empowering them to be patient, understanding, and forgiving. Help them to create an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and encouragement within their homes. May they be a source of comfort and protection, instilling in their children a deep sense of security and belonging.

Heavenly Father, we specifically lift up fathers who are facing unique challenges. For those who are single parents, grant them the strength and resilience to fulfill the roles of both mother and father. For those who are struggling with their own shortcomings and past mistakes, pour out Your healing and redemption upon them, reminding them that they are loved and forgiven.

Lord, we also pray for fathers who are grieving the loss of a child, who are separated from their families, or who are longing to have children of their own. Grant them Your comfort, peace, and hope in their sorrow, loneliness, and longing. Surround them with a community of support and encouragement.

Lastly, Lord, we lift up future fathers, young boys, and men who are preparing to embark on the journey of fatherhood. Equip them with wisdom, character, and a heart that seeks after You. May they be inspired by positive fatherly examples and grow into loving, compassionate, and responsible fathers.