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A More Excellent Way

May 11, 2014
Morning Service

Acts 2:1-13.


            We saw in chapter one, Jesus, going up into heaven to take his seat of authority, in His new glorified body.  The angels that stood by told the disciples that He would return in the same manner that they saw Him leave.  This is one of the crowning points in Christianity.  Jesus’s resurrection. He’s still alive in His glorified body, somewhere in the heavens, and soon He will return for His church.  The early saints gave their lives for this belief, and there are some today dying for this belief.

            This morning we look at one of the most important chapters in our Bible.  Peter preaches his first sermon. This chapter will give us insight, and build our faith, on what it takes to become a Christian.  It will also show us the practices of the early church. 


Act 2:1-47  And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 

·         the day of Pentecost = The word “Pentecost” is a Greek word signifying the 50th part of a thing, or the 50th in order. Among the Jews it was a applied to one of their three great feasts which began on the 50th day after the Passover.  A very important feast.  This feast was also called the Feast of Weeks, from the circumstance that it followed a succession of weeks, Exo_34:22; Num_28:26; Deu_16:10. It was also a harvest festival, and was accordingly called the Feast of Harvest;

·         So we see that after Jesus was resurrected He spent 40 days teaching the disciples what He wanted taught concerning the kingdom of God.  His last instructions were  Luk 24:49  And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

·         So it’s been 10 days, which brings us to the day of Pentecost.  Why did God wait on Pentecost?  Because it would be the best opportunity to tell a multitude concerning the DBR of Jesus. 

Now notice:

(2)  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.  (3)  And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.  (4)  And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 

·         Wow, just think about this.  We don’t know if they came, and went, or whether they all stayed in this upper room the 10 days, we know there would have been needs for leaving. 

·         Notice the use of similes here.  Sound, as a rushing mighty wind.  Cloven tongues, like as of fire.  Wind, and fire are the closet things they could refer these happenings too.   Quite an event.   Anyway, when it happened they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

·         Now this miraculous event, which was prophesied to happen, has been the topic of many a discussion, and also is very controversial. 

·         There are some fellowships of the Lord’s church that would teach you unless you have this experience, and speak in tongues you do not possess the Holy Ghost in your life.

·         We do not teach that here.  I teach what the Lord has given me to teach, and it is not this doctrine.  The word tongue means languages.  We will see this shortly.  The Apostle Paul teaches us that tongues or speaking in other languages was a gift, I Cor. 12-14.  Upon studying the gift chapters, and what is taught concerning them, not everyone receives the same gift, and the gifts are given to edify the church.  Not self.

·         I will acknowledge that some of the things which are recorded in the Bible can be misleading if not properly discerned, or rightly divided, also using our own experiences.



For example:  Paul told Timothy “2Ti 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

·         Study.  This involves more than just casual reading.  And as we study, prayerfully, God will help us to rightly divide His word. 

·         Using our own experience:  Does my experience with the Lord line up with the Scriptures? 

We will find that in each case certain things were done.  The good news, or gospel preached, the ones that believed the message came forth confessing, and were baptized.  We will see this in Peter’s first sermon tonight.

Understand that God is no respector of persons.  We will see the promise is for whosoever will call on the name of Lord, shall be saved.  This is the promise.


I mentioned earlier that we would see shortly that the word tongues means languages, let’s see;

Now notice:

(5)  And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.  (6)  Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.  (7)  And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?  (8)  And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born(9)  Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,  (10)  Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,  (11)  Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.  (12)  And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?  (13)  Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine. 

·         As we can see, these that were speaking, were speaking in known languages.  These people that were gathered for Pentecost were from all different speaking dialects, yet they understood them speaking of the wonderful works of God, in their native language.

·         This explains why Pentecost, and now once they have heard Peter speak they will take this message back to where they live, and share the story of Jesus Christ, the wonderful work of God.

·          Jesus said that they would have this ability to speak with new tongues.  Mar 16:17  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;  

·         This miraculous gift was given to further quickly the gospel message.  It is evident that this gift was continued for some time in the early church as per Paul addressing this gift in ICor. 12, 13, 14.

·         Today, the missionaries of the church, or anyone else that wants to speak in another language must take time to study, and learn it.  It takes time, and it is hard to do.  Yes, if God wanted to He could give this gift to someone.  Also, remember God is the one that distributes the gifts as it pleases Him.  Some people are just not faithful, and dependable enough to receive gifts from God.               Listen to Paul:

·         1Co 12:27-31  Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.  (28)  And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 

·         Then he asks the questions; (29)  Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?  (30)  Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?  (31)  But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

These gifts were operating throughout the church, for the edification of the believers, and a witness to unbelievers, but the answer to Paul’s questions were, NO, everyone doesn’t have the same gift.  We just need to honest with ourselves, and God, and covet earnestly the best gifts, and realize that LOVE is the more excellent way that he shows us in ICor. 13.  The love chapter of the Bible.